Oh, Kiwifruit - how I love thee...
It is so good for you, it's almost ridiculous that all this goodness comes in such a small package. This fruit, native to South China, is one of my favorite fruits. It is a GREAT source of potassium, dietary fiber, vitamins A, E, and C - all powerful antioxidants, and beta carotene. And of course, with these nutrients comes prevention and/or improvement of many diseases: asthma, cancers, blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, eye disease, cholesterol.... It's a super fruit, for sure!
To select in a store (prices fluctuate - sometimes I can find them at Sprouts 5/$1. Although, right now they are 3/$1), find ones that aren't rock hard, but not mushy - those will be good. To eat, peel the fury skin with a knife or a carrot peeler. Slice and enjoy!
Here is the low-down on our fury little friend:
- 46 calories
- .3 g fat
- 1 g protein
- 252.3 mg potassium
- 2.6 g fiber
- 11 carbs